Yogitoes Skidless Premium Mat-Size Yoga Towel

on Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yogitoes Skidless Premium Mat-Size Yoga Towel Review By John Heard

I think that a lot of these complaints I read about disappointments with the towel stem from the price.

I hesitated before buying this towel because of the price, but I bought it because I knew that the rubber sticky mat just wasn't working for me. This towel is suited for the sweaty among us.

I do wish that the price would buy a more perfect product (i.e. no dye bleeding, a slightly more terry cloth texture, and smaller tighter stitching at the edges). However, I realize now after getting comfortable with using this piece of equipment that the marketing is more to blame for any initial disappointment I felt. Read on brave athletes.

It may be possible to machine wash this towel as the care instructions suggest, but I'd rather not. The towel comes in an assortment of attractive colors so that everyone can find the one they want to buy, but it turns out that dye bleeding is the downside to this feature. You may choose to buy the white towel. Care instructions suggest this towel is dryer safe, but someone here mentioned that the dryer ruined the towel's original texture. Avoid the dryer, towel.

Pretty useful piece of equipment/ misleading advertisement of features.

I've skimmed the reviews here for some care tips for this product.

Here's what I have to say about using this towel myself-

It definitely solves my problem of my sweaty hands and feet slipping on a rubber sticky mat. However, dry hands and feet will slip on this towel. Therefore, I have wet hands and feet, or I dampen the towel.

I feel bad for the person whose washing machine unraveled the stitching at the edge of the towel. The stitching is large and loopy. This stitching could snag in the machine, so I hand wash mine to protect my investment in this piece of equipment. I bet that using a sewing machine to restitch the edge will create a more durable securing, but I'd rather delay the hassle of doing that sewing. I'll hand wash.

It does bleed dye when I soak it for a wash. I tried someone's suggestion that I add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to the cold wash water. I saw that no dye seemed to leech out into the water in my sink. I rinsed the towel under a cold shower and squeezed it out. The towel was cool and damp when I used it. Actually I found this pleasant. Don't I read as chilled out?

However, the next time I soaked the towel (no vinegar this time) it bled dye once again.

It's no disaster, really. I'll just wash it in vinegar solution and rinse it in a cold shower.


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